George was born in Santa Cruz, California in 1970 during the “Jesus Revolution”. His parents were a big part of this movement when they were both born again, into the family of God through Jesus. It was Jesus who healed them of dark culture of drugs and false hope.

George remembers that time even at a young age. He recalls in his book, “The Same Today” how the Spirit of God filled the building during the revival meetings.

Later in life at the age of 13, he was not following Jesus and knew he had never made the decision to open his life to the Lord. That all changed on a sunny morning in Tucson, Arizona. His dad led him in a prayer to turn from his sins and be born again into the family of God. George describes in his book how the dirty, heavy weight of his sin was lifted off of him and he experienced a new freedom and God’s joy and love burning in his 13-year-old heart.

His family moved back to Santa Cruz, and over the years he became a hard-core local surfer. Surfing started to take the place of Jesus in his life and he ultimately found no fulfillment in it. At 19, he decided it was time for a change.

George joined the Army to become on of the elite 75th Rangers. By the grace of God, he made it in, and became a Sergeant at 3rd Ranger Battalion. This was the unit that the movie “Blackhawk Down” told the story of the courageous Rangers that fought in the hellish battle in Somalia. George was not there for that battle but knew the men who were. He was able to help counsel some of these men when they returned with the nightmares of the October 3rd battle.

Then George met the love of his life, Christina. They married, moved back to Santa Cruz where their first son was born.

God was calling them to move up to Washington State and so they packed up and headed to the beautiful Pacific Northwest. They felt the peace of God as he and his wife moved into Sequim, Washington. They knew God wanted them there and all of the details of relocating where seamless as God was leading. He and his wife have been deeply blessed by God in their marriage and in raising their two sons.

In 2007, George was attending Northwest Men’s Conference at Calvary Fellowship, hosted by Pastor Wayne Taylor. Wayne had guest speakers Greg Laurie and Jon Courson, so his church was packed-full. When Greg shared the message about the Prodigal son, in Luke 15, George was sensing God’s presence. He knew God wanted him to change his life and follow Jesus in a relational way. When Greg concluded his message, he gave the invitation to the prodigals, those who needed to re-commit their lives to God to stand and pray with him. George stood and prayed to the Lord to re-dedicate his life to Jesus.

Seven years after that, he taught at a Calvary Chapel how the story of Joseph showed Jesus. He later taught the message in Luke 24, “Road to Emmaus” for the Sunday services. He was so encouraged about it, and a passion for finding Jesus in the Old Testament ignited into his heart. He then wrote the book, “Road to Emmaus”. Around this time, he and his wife had a second son. God blessed their marriage and their parenting with both amazing boys.

This book is ministry and it has sold all over the world. Recently a pastor-teacher of a South African church, was researching for a new series in the Old Testament, and he emailed George saying this:

“Hi George

I came across your books and have read two of them in research on a study that I would like to do with our church - Finding Christ in all the Scriptures.

Absolutely loved your writing and have gleaned so much from your revelation. Thank you!

I have been looking for video messages or even audio or podcasts that you may have done but can’t seem to find any online. Any chance you could point me in the right direction? I would love to hear a few of your messages.


This email encouraged George to start a podcast, video teachings and a website. His friend, Mike Pritchard of Pritchard Websites offered to help do this.

In 2019 George had the vision of organizing a men’s conference featuring keynote speakers: Ben Courson and Wayne Taylor. His friend Mike thought it was wise to invite Ben Courson, and he developed a great website for this event as well as creating the name: Rainshadow Men’s Conference.

The conference was supported and held at Dungeness Community Church, on the Olympic Peninsula. God moved in a powerful way as many men were stoked to renew their hearts to Jesus. This event glorified God and was a great success!

Also, around this time, George and his great friend Blake co-founded a grass-roots surfing ministry called, “Pacific NW Christian Surfers”. Dungeness Community Church is supporting and funding this organic ministry. The leadership includes Blake Anderberg, Josh King, Myles Hustad, Mark Simpson, and local surfboard shaper, Bruce Snyder. The Lord used this ministry to bring Bruce into a relationship with Jesus Christ. Since then, he has taken on a leadership role in operating this new ministry.

George had another vision of a large-scale outreach event in the summer of 2021. This Northwest concert event called, “Word NW” was scheduled for August of 2020, however, the COVID situation prevented it from happening. We had Barnabas and Amy-T as our featured band and Ryan Ries of the Whosoever’s Movement scheduled to speak, as well as regional and local bands scheduled.

Geared for college aged people, this event has the passion and vision to bring the “Stoke of Hope in Jesus”. The event is to feature internationally known speakers, as well as musicians. The event will also see regional bands perform as well. Mike Pritchard has developed a website for this as well. We are looking forward to the summer of 2021.

For more information, check out the website:

If you would like to volunteer and join the team contact us. If you are unable to physically help, but want to financially support, please contact us at:

Please pray for this outreach.
